Sometimes by moving it in the reading order panel you can make the text visible again, but often you cannot. This is because there is some sort of hidden element behind which the text is hiding. Sometimes when you move content reading order or even when you tag content the text disappears.After you’ve made sure it was inserted, delete the incorrectly tagged page (Document >Delete Pages > fill out page(s) you want to delete). You can extract a page from the original PDF (Document >Extract Pages > fill out page(s) you want to extract) tag it properly and then insert it into the document at the proper place(Document >Insert Pages > fill out where you want to insert page(s)). If you forget to save and or saved after a mistake, don’t panic (like I did at first and thought I had to start over).There is no Undo when it comes to working with PDF tags, which really stinks, so you need to remember to save…save…save.